Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I was sick...eww

So I got sick last week and didn't go to the gym from Saturday to today. Which is bad!!

So I ate like crap the entire time I was sick, but I was down to 134 so YEAH!! I'm a little behind.
I will make it up this week I promise.
Andy made turkey burgers for dinner...ummm and fries but I counted out 10 and thats it!!!

pheeeeewww is anyone else having luck?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

ok soooooooooo

Last night I cheated! I shared a chicken sandwich with my husband, had 1 beer, and ate about 12 french fries. At least I shared right?
Obviously the weekends are tough for me. My house is filled with tempting foods which I stay away from all week but come Friday night I crack.

I got up and went to the gym :) I tell myself "if you eat it you better be willing to work it off"
60 minutes of cardio and I feel better.

The rest of the day is going to be good, I just know it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

the food I eat

Marissa suggested that I blog everything that I eat! good idea,

I always start the day off right...I feel motivated in the morning, not so much around 3ish.

This morning I had:
1/2 cup of oatmeal made with 1/2 cup fat free milk
1 tablespoon of peanut butter
2 1/2 cups black coffee

I usually have a snack at 10am..but I missed it today, that's bad bad bad

1 Fuji apple
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
4 yes only 4 ritz crackers
diet coke (trying to quit this habit)


light and fit yogurt

now, dinner should be chicken breast and some broccoli. I'll try, but my lean, sexy husband wants to go downtown to the brewery :)
I will allow myself 1 lite beer.
I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow

skinny bitch

OK, so I want to start a blog for myself, and all the people out there who want to become a skinny bitch....and I don't really mean "bitch" but I know that when I see a skinny female..I say "skinny bitch" come on don't you?

Here is some personal information about myself YIKES
I'm 5'4 (I think)
current weight is 135 now now don't make any strange awwww sounds.

My normal weight is between 120-124 lbs
at my smallest I was 115lbs
I'm most comfortable at about 122lbs
I can maintain 125 lbs pretty easily with exercise!
I had a baby on August 14th 2008 in which I gained 53 lbs ...too much ice cream

I have a goal of losing these last nagging 10 pounds by June 5th!! With the help of my friends who have committed to shedding 10 pounds themselves..
I thought it would be fun, to blog about this journey. If you have a sense of humor please join me.
WARNING: I will say things that might offend you...don't take this personally please.
I have never had a "weight problem" however I've always had a "body image problem"
I know these are different but I also believe that many people are just over weight because they are lazy and they over consume. Which is not hard to do in this Country right?

I plan to blog about my weight loss daily...I hope. Please join me :)